
Yesterday I completed my last assignment ever and oddly enough, it was a religion paper. I hate religion classes which is ironic because I go to a school that bases everything off of religion. It was bittersweet submitting that last assignment and I think tears were shed and words were said as I said my goodbyes to my last assignment.

Ha! Yeah right. I cried tears of joy and said a slew of words that had a few "boo ya"'s in them. I also did a happy dance, celebrated with ice cream, and stayed up all night partying.
Okay so that's a lie too. Did you seriously think I ate ice cream? I actually just sat on my butt and uttered these exact words in a nonchalant voice "Cool, my assignment's done...that was easy." I know I will look back on these years and think that I had it good and that life was easy but for now, I'm just excited to move on to the next phase of life: internship!

After applying to every internship across America, interviewing with nervous poop jitters, and making a fool outta myself with some of my answers, I decided to go with an internship with McCain foods in Burley, ID or more accurately, they chose me (they really liked me!).

Wait, what was that? Yeah, you heard me right. I know, it's the shiz. I'm way excited!

McCain foods is a potato processing plant that makes a lot of side dishes like hash browns, french fries, and the like but it's my job to make sure that all of the employees return home safely to their little tater tots. Oh and their children too. I am going to learn so much and I can't wait to impress my boss with my amazing skills. I am going to rock this job!

Soon you'll see this gal graduate the heck outta  my graduation, rock an internship, and smash her race outta the park. Speaking of rockin' things, check out my new haircut. It's new to all of you because I didn't know what to think of it for a while but I'm good now...I'm good.

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